Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Faces Are Adding Up

Who knew?...
Who knew that my little angel...
Would drive me forward...
And give me the strength...

The strength to ge up...
Every day without her near me...

The strength to breathe...
In... and out...
Such a simple act...
Almost everyone takes for granted...

The strength to journal her journey...
The strength to reach out to others...

Some who like me...
Lost a piece of themselves...
Others who face...
The same disease she did...

And many more...
Afflicted by rare diseases...
All around the world...

I started my day today...
Reading an email from a mom...
Who as I did months ago...
And just as so many others parents have done...
Reached out...
Because her child has PVNH...

And with that note...
I discovered a new face...
A beautiful young new face...

A face that now...
Has joined the 14 others...
Who make up the families of this group...
For which I have such high hopes..

Hopes that research will answer...
Thousands of questions we each have...

Hopes that one day...
Children will be cured...

The faces of PVNH are finding Ella...
And finding me...
But they don't stop there...

These may be the faces of PVNH...
But they are joined by several others...

Faces of rare diseases...
Here, there and everywhere...

Faces of rare diseases...
Who have no link...
To our story...

And yet...
It's as though our stories are the same...

With those faces who you will soon meet...
Comes beautiful new friendships...
A gift I will be forever grateful for...

Who knew?...
I knew...

ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels

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